NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: TN3270 for LWP Update to v4.04 DOCUMENT ID: TID000400 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: TN3270.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: TN3270 for LAN WorkPlace 3.13a ABSTRACT: This file upgrades TN3270 for LWP users v3.13a to v4.04. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: TN3270.EXE Files Included Size Date Time TN3270.TXT (This File) INSTALL.BAT 33 5-13-93 12:55a PATCH.EXE 78129 1-19-93 12:18a TN3270.RTP 268326 5-05-93 6:14p TN3270.EXE/binary TN3270 for LAN WorkPlace. Upgrade from version 3.13a to version 4.04. Significant changes in this version include support for the new configuration file searching available in LAN WorkPlace for DOS 4.1 and LAN WorkGroup 4.1, and enhanced display color control. Installation instructions: 1. Go to the \TN3270 directory, and make a PATCH subdirectory. 2. Copy the TN3270.EXE file to \TN3270\PATCH and execute it. 3. Execute the INSTALL.BAT file. Notes: You must have the original TN3270 v3.13a software installed in order to apply this update. If the patch program cannot find the original 3.13a files, the new files will not be installed, and warning messages will be displayed. If you have installed any other updates to TN3270, you should remove them and restore the original files prior to applying this update. The patch program will store the original files in the \TN3270\PATCH\BACKUP directory. If you need to revert to the original files, go to this directory, rename the UNPATCH.BAK file to UNPATCH.BAT, and execute the file. The original files will be restored. If you copied the v3.13a SNATERMK.STD file to SNATERMK as described on page 2-3 of the TN3270 for LAN WorkPlace User's Guide, you will need to do this again after installing the v4.04 update. Fixes and enhancements: VM Help Screen: ************** The VM help screen for T3270 Model 4 and Model 5 works correctly now. Addresses of Snapdumps of Data: ****************************** The addresses of snapdumps of data are shifted to the left in the X15 trace, causing trouble with the "pstrip" program later on. This problem has been corrected in this release. Block Cursor Feature: ******************** A feature was added to support block cursor for the TN3270 emulator. Block cursor can be selected by entering the command line option -BC or by setting the entry #BLKCUR to "Y" in the SNATEXT file. Port Numbers Greater than 256: ***************************** This release corrects a problem where a port number greater than 256 would cause a connection failure. Command Line Options (-red, -blue, -pink): ***************************************** The -red and -blue command line options for the TN3270 command are no longer supported. When these options are used, a message is displayed instructing you to use the new color mapping feature. Example: C:> TN3270 -red -blue Loading text -red option is no longer supported. Use color mapping in COLORS.OCS file instead. -blue option is no longer supported. Use color mapping in COLORS.OCS file instead. Press any key to continue. It is no longer necessary to enter the -pink command line option for the TN3270 command; -pink is always in effect. Underlined Fields: ***************** Underlined fields in the 3270 emulation screens are now displayed in reverse video. This enhancement applies to both color and monochrome screens. For color screens the text is displayed in the foreground color grey to distinguish the underlined fields from real reverse video fields. Color Mapping: ************* The color mapping feature allows you to assign new colors to the default colors used by the 3270 emulator and the API visual mode. The color mapping feature uses two files: COLORS.OCS PALETTE.OCS These files are described in the following paragraphs. COLORS.OCS - You can edit this file to assign new colors to the default colors used by the TN3270 for LAN WorkPlace emulator. The entries on the left (for example, oc_black, oc_blue, oc_green, etc.) in this file MUST NOT be changed. These are the variables used by the TN3270 for LAN WorkPlace emulation software. For the right side of the assignment, you can use any color name defined in the file PALETTE.OCS (for example, blue, azure, arcticnight, etc.). DO NOT change PALETTE.OCS - use it as a read-only file. It defines the valid color names. Sample Entries from the COLORS.OCS file **************************************** * 3270 Assignments: oc_black = blue oc_blue = azure oc_green = emerald PALETTE.OCS - This file can be viewed by the user to determine valid color names to use in the assignment statements in the COLORS.OCS file. Sample Entries from the PALETTE.OCS file ***************************************** 000 black 001 blue 002 green 003 cyan 004 red 005 magenta 006 lime 007 white 008 arcticnight 009 aquamarine . . . 061 rose 061 lightmagenta 062 yellow 063 brightwhite ***************************************** IBM 3270 colors map to the COLOR.OCS oc_{color} values shown in the following table: IBM Colors oc_{color} Values ---------- ----------------- blue oc_lightblue green oc_green red oc_red pink oc_lightmagenta yellow oc_yellow turquoise oc_cyan white oc_white black (background) oc_black reverse video text oc_black reverse video blue oc_blue reverse video green oc_green reverse video red oc_red reverse video pink oc_magenta reverse video yellow oc_brown reverse video turquoise oc_cyan In text mode (the only mode supported by Novell), the emulator shows underlined fields in reverse video with a different text color from normal reverse video: underlined text oc_grey underlined blue background oc_blue underlined green background oc_green underlined red background oc_red underlined pink background oc_magenta underlined yellow background oc_brown underlined turquoise background oc_cyan To change the IBM color, change the corresponding COLORS.OCS oc_{color} assignment to one of the valid color names from the PALETTE.OCS file. Example: To display IBM blue as aquamarine when using the TN3270 emulator, edit the COLORS.OCS file and change the assignment: oc_lightblue = lightblue to oc_lightblue = aquamarine Using TRYCOLOR to view colors produced by assignments in the COLORS.OCS file: The utility program TRYCOLOR.EXE lets you view the colors produced by the assignments in the COLORS.OCS file or by an alternate test file created by modifying a copy of the COLORS.OCS file. Entering the TRYCOLOR command with the -h option displays a help screen describing its use. C:> TRYCOLOR -h Program TRYCOLOR shows the selected emulator colors on the monitor. The following options are valid: -h............ to obtain this help text -f filename... to process a specific color assignment file. Without the -f option the standard color assignment file, COLORS.OCS, is used. Examples: C:> TRYCOLOR ******************************* TRYCOLOR Assigned Color Display of Assigned Color oc_black = blue _________________________ oc_blue = azure _________________________ oc_green = emerald _________________________ . . . ******************************* 3270 Datastream Attributes: ************************ Rather than rejecting the 3270 datastream attributes "Character Set" and "Transparency," the TN3270 product ignores these attributes for a text mode terminal. The -nocolor Option: ******************* The -nocolor option works correctly now with an Orchid VGA board and a monochrome monitor. Orchid VGA Monochrome Monitor: ***************************** The Orchid VGA monochrome monitor now supports a 327x Model 5 terminal. The -DM and -DN Command Line Options: ************************************ The -DM and -DN command line options can now be entered with or without a space (that is, -DM and -D M are both valid, also -DN and -D N are both valid). Image Data Processing: ********************* This release fixes a problem in the image data processing engine where image data was all being painted on one line on the screen. The -nocolor Option: ******************* This release adds the -nocolor option to T3270 for forcing monochrome mode. This option is more effective for CGA, EGA, and VGA monitors than the -DM option. Screen Painting: *************** Screens are now painted correctly for all CRT models upon a session change; that is, with the right number of lines and columns. This also fixes the problem of a PC soft wait, when attempting to forward tab on a screen with the number of lines set incorrectly. Specification of an IP Address on the Command Line: ************************************************** This release adds support for specification of an IP address on the command line for TN3270.EXE for PC-NFS, 3Com, and HP sockets. Lightpen Selection: ****************** Lightpen selection occasionally locked up the keyboard, necessitating a keyboard reset by the user. This problem has been corrected. ÿ